English in Use (Idioms , Collocations, Phrasal Verbs)突破性地解决英文说不地道、写不地道的问题。 7、English Vocabulary in Use 这也是全球畅销的英文词汇学习书,可谓“词汇圣经”,有学、有练、能听、能查、有答案、有电子资源! 一句话,帮大人小孩解除传统的词汇学习之苦、记忆之苦,简单、清晰、实用,学单词...
English Pronunciation inUse MarkHancock PUBLISHEDBYTHEPRESSSYNDICATEOFTHEUNIVERSITYOFCAMBRIDGE ThePittBuilding,TrumpingtonStreet,Cambridge,UnitedKingdom CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITYPRESS TheEdinburghBuilding,CambridgeCB22RU,UK 40West20thStreet,NewYork,NY10011–4211,USA ...
【3】English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)【4】Ship or Sheep【5】Tree or Three【6】Pronunciation Pairs语法:【1】English Grammar in Use (Essential)【2】English Grammar In Use (Intermediate)【3】English Grammar in Use (Advanced)词汇:【1】TEST Your English Vocabulary in Use【2】English ...
【3】English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)【4】Ship or Sheep【5】Tree or Three【6】Pronunciation Pairs语法:【1】English Grammar in Use (Essential)【2】English Grammar In Use (Intermediate)【3】English Grammar in Use (Advanced)词汇:【1】TEST Your English Vocabulary in Use【2】English ...
2、English Pronunciation in use发音 这套书一共三本:初级、中级、高级。 适用人群:喜欢英音的人;正在学习音标的人;基础词汇在500左右的人。 3、Business Vocabulary in Use商业词汇 商业词汇在使用高级第二版是为学生和专业人士扩大他们的商业词汇。使学习者了解他们当今商业所需的语言,这本书解释了词汇和表达,并...
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followed by a vowel sound, but not when followed by a consonant sound. In American English it ...
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