You can takethe Cambridge Linguaskill examat The London School of English. Linguaskill is available as either General or Business English and both types are suitable for all levels of English. The test offers a convenient way for you to get an official certificate of your level from an internat...
designedtogivefutureIELTScandidatesanideaofwhethertheirEnglishisatthe requiredlevel. IELTSisownedbythreepartners,CambridgeEnglishLanguageAssessment,partof theUniversityofCambridge,theBritishCouncilandIDPEducationPtyLimited(through itssubsidiary,IELTSAustraliaPtyLimited).FurtherinformationonIELTScan ...
Touchstone English Books Review Touchstone is a 4-skills (reading,writing,listening,speaking) ESL textbook for adults published by Cambridge. There are 4 levels, ranging from 1-4. Touchstone Level 1 is reasonably easy and would generally be suitable for an average freshman English class in Korea...
Modifying transport infrastructure to support active travel (walking and cycling) could help to increase population levels of physical activity. However, there is limited evidence for the effects of interventions in this field, and to the best of our knowledge no study has convincingly demonstrated an...
剑桥英语语言评估cambridge ielts 10.pdf,Cambridge University Press Cambridge English Language Assessment Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015 It is normally necessary for written permission for copying to be obtained i