当当中图上海进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《[现货]Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 2 for Updated Exam Students Book without answers》。最新《[现货]Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 2 for Updated Exam Students Book without answers》简介、书评
这个级别无论是词汇还是语法、阅读等方面的难度都有较大提升。 4. CAE(Certificate in Advanced English)C1级别 - 词汇要求:约8000 - 12000个词汇,处于流利水平,适合英语水平较高的考生,通常对应国内大学生或研究生。例如“sophisticated”这个单词,发音:[səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd],形容词,释义为“复杂的...
Contains four complete tests for the updated Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) examination from Cambridge ESOL to be introduced from December 2008. This Audio CD set contains the recorded material for the aural component of the exam (Pape...
B2 First (FCE) - First Certificate in English (B2) C1 Advanced (CAE) - Certificate of Advanced English (C1) C2 Proficiency (CPE) - Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2) B1 Preliminary (PET), Preliminary for Schools - Preliminary English Test (B1) ...
Formerly known as: Cambridge English CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) C2 Proficiency – CEFR level C2 The Cambridge English C2 Proficiency exam is designed for students with near-native level English skills. As the highest-level exam in the Cambridge English exam suite, it proves that a stu...
Cambridge English exams are English proficiency exams that are globally recognised by schools, universities and employers worldwide. This qualification does not expire and at Stafford House you can study either: First Certificate in English (FCE) or Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) Cambridge Exa...
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) 莱克西斯英语学校珀斯分校 Lexis English Perth (LEP) CRICOS Code:073926E 课程类型:Non AQF Award 查看学校详情费率转换 2025 总学费4,560 澳币 每周费用380 澳币 课程时长12 周 申请课程 课程校区 WA 校区:23-27 Scarborough Beach Road Campus 地址:23 Scarb...
《Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 3 for Updated Exam Self-study Pack》作者:Cambridge University Press,出版社:2009年2月,ISBN:491.20。CambridgeUniversityPressistheonlyofficialpublisher
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 3 contains four complete tests for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) examination from Cambridge ESOL. These papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the CAE examination and ...