You can do The C1 Advanced exam on a computer or on paper. When can I take the test? Arrange with yourclosest test centre. The C1 Advanced test can be taken most months in either paper-based or computer-based format. Not all test centres will administer both types of test. How much ...
- practice gap fill and transformation exercises - sample exam questions - scoreboard to track progress Cambridge C1 Advanced is designed especially to help students preparing to sit the revised Cambridge® Advanced but will be of value to any advanced student. Cambridge® is a registered trademar...
Challenge yourself across a variety of levels - B1, B2, C1, and C2, and crush your exams! Dive into our comprehensive exercises designed to improve your Grammar, Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, and Collocations skills. Elevate your proficiency with engaging Listening exercises and interactive ...
- practice gap fill and transformation exercises - sample exam questions - scoreboard to track progress Cambridge C1 Advanced is designed especially to help students preparing to sit the revised Cambridge® Advanced but will be of value to any advanced student. ...
If you want to learn how to do Key word transformation exercises effectively, this book is for you. C1 ADVANCED KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION MADE EASY This ebook has been written to help students prepare for the Key Word Transformation part of the Use of English paper (grammar) of the Cambridge ...
< Cambridge - English Advanced Grammar In Use - Supplementary Exercises搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
The second one is generally more focused on business English but offers many free resources to work on grammar, vocabulary, along with practical advice, exercises and answers. To train online for the C1 Advanced and therefore have the advantage of being able to review everywhere and at any ...
This CAE exam page explains why you should take the C1 Advanced exam. It also shows you the format of the exam and how to pass it.
“I've downloaded it because I study general linguistics with English. I have found this very usefull, especially the 'key word transformation exercises. Thank you!” “I want to get an English language qualification because i want to go study to England” “In fact, I am an English tutor...
The Cambridge Proficiency exam is the hardest of the Cambridge exams. Who is it for? Do this test if you really love English. If you pass this test your English is good enough for you to teach English to others. Your English will be good enough to study at any British university at ...