With offices in seven countries around the globe, there's always something happening at Cambridge AssociatesInsight A More Appealing Environment for Equity Long/Short Strategies Discover why we believe the future looks bright for ELS strategies due to several factors that should enhance returns....
With Cambridge Associates, you get the best of both worlds: the robust resources of a global firm and the personalised care of a boutique firm. We build custom portfolios that aim to outperform over the long term. You own the funds and their impact directly. With five decades of investing ...
Cambridge Associates Benchmarks versus Public Indices 2023 was a dynamic year for private markets, characterized by varied results across equity, debt and real asset strategies. Learn more For even the most sophisticated investors, measuring private investment performance can be challenging. ...
截至2020年6月30日·百分比(%)·美元 Sources:Cambridge Associates LLC and MSCI Inc. MSCI data provided “as is” without anyexpress or impliedwarranties. Notes: CA Modified Public Market Equivalent (mPME) replicates privateinvestment performance under public market conditions. The public index’sshares...
The article focuses on a research paper issued by Cambridge Associates LLC, an investment advisor, regarding liability hedges. According to the paper, future fixed income returns will increase in future and low-beta hedge funds can offer expected returns on hedge funds. It also mentions that low...
单位简介:Cambridge Associates(康桥汇世)是一家总部位于美国的国际顶尖投资咨询公司,致力于通过深入独立的研究向全球机构投资人及私人投资者提供客观的建议,帮助他们达到或超越其投资目标。我公司在全球拥有8个分支(阿灵顿、北京、波士顿、达拉斯、伦敦、门罗帕克、新加坡、悉尼)和逾一千名雇员,服务于全球约一千家客户,主...
Cambridge Associates was formed in 1973 to provide investment services to a group of major university endowments in the United States. The firm grew out of a project undertaken for Harvard University by our two founders, James Bailey and Hunter Lewis, both undergraduate students at the time, who...
Why Cambridge Associates? Investing in specialized areas requires specialized abilities Our dedicated co-investments and secondaries teams have first-hand experience in executing these types of transactions. With 50+ years of private investment experience, we can help navigate the complex challenges many ...
Notes: Equity returns are net of dividend taxes. “US” is represented by MSCI USA Index, “Dev ex US” is represented by MSCI World ex US Index, “EM” is represented by MSCI EM Index, “Commodities” is represented by Bloomberg Commodity Index, “US Treasuries” is represented by the ...
Why Cambridge Associates? Real Assets Leadership Insights Sustainable and Impact Investing 2024: Insights and Perspectives Madeline Clark,Ellie Bentley Feb 2025 A More Appealing Environment for Equity Long/Short Strategies Sean Duffin Feb 2025 The Pension (Re)volution: How the Hybrid Approach is Reshapin...