Cambridge English考试是由剑桥大学英语考试委员会(Cambridge English Language Assessment)举办的英语能力测试,其难度分为不同的级别,以适应不同英语水平的学习者。以下是各个级别的考试难度概述: 1. A2 Key(KET):这是最基础的级别,适合初级英语学习者。考试内容主要包括基本的日常英语交流能力,如自我介绍、询问和回答...
是Cambridge Assessment English(CAE)考试局,所开发的Cambridge English Qualification(CEQ )英语水平考试。 该考试,按照不同年龄需求分为五个等级: 初级认知(A1)- 一级入门(A2)-KET考试:7、8、9岁+ 二级初级(B1)-PET考试:10、11、12岁+ 三级独立(B2)-FCE考试- 四级流利(C1)-CAE考试- 五级熟练(C2)-CPE考...
The next exam in the Cambridge English suite is the C1 Advanced. In order to determine which Cambridge exam is the right level for your skills, Cambridge offers the free placement test online that you can take in less than half an hour to get a rough assessment. ...
Here are similar B2 First Cambridge Preparation courses: Intensive B2 First Preparation 30 Book now B2 First Preparation 20 Book now Online B2 First Preparation Saturday Book now Take the Cambridge English Qualification with International House Trust Assessment Pursue higher education, a rewarding ...
Assessment Services We'll ensure you always get the best results:Contact us YLE Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers are part of our range of Cambridge English Qualifications designed for young learners. Our three exams for young learners are fun, colourful and activity based, motivating...
Cambridge English,即剑桥英语考试,是由英国剑桥大学考试委员会(Cambridge Assessment English)设计的一系列英语语言能力测试,它在全球范围内享有高度的认可度,并被众多高校、雇主和政府机构广泛接受。接下来,我将从考试系列、考试内容、考试用途以及相关资源四个方面对Cambridge English进行详细介...
International House Trust Assessment Pursue higher education, a rewarding career, or a new adventure abroad with a Cambridge English Qualification. Take your CEQ with IHTA at Europe’s largest test centre. Book your CEQ Progress your career with our Job Advice Workshops We organise two FREE job ...
1月8日,Cambridge University Press & Assessment CEO Peter Phillips先生、赵静博士(东亚区主任)、常吟女士(东亚区业务发展主管(教育资源))、梁琦博士(高级区域经理)一行到访新英才学校,与学校副校长张捷老师、张心一老师和新英才剑桥国际中心...
Developed by the University of Cambridge, Write & Improve is a FREE tool that helps every learner to improve their English writing. Choose from hundreds of tasks at all levels and start writing, or create your own tasks Submit your writing and get a result linked to the international standard...
Cambridge Assessment English Preparation Cambridge in Cambridge Course Overview St Giles Cambridge offers a range of courses, including helpful preparation courses for B2 First and C1 Advanced exams. These Cambridge Assessment English examinations are taken by thousands of international students each year ...