Catherine Walker Cedric Cirotteau Cerina Vincent Charles dickens Charles Garrad Charlie Carrick Charlie Saxton CHARLIE SHAW'S REVENGE CHARLOTTE Charlotte Kirk Charlotte Reidie CHARLOTTE VEGA CHARLOTTE: THE MOVIE Chelsea Stardust Chile CHOIR GIRL CHOPPER Chris Bavota Chris Cronin...
Previous analysis of theA. comosusgenome found promoter regions of multiple key CAM pathway genes containing known circadiancis-regulatory elements (CREs) including Morning Element (ME: CCACAC), Evening Element (EE: AAATATCT), CCA1-binding site (CBS: AAAAATCT), G-box (CACGTG) and TCP15-bindi...
The proposed optical CAM cell architecture was experimentally invessttiiggaatteedd ffoorr bbootthh ooppeerraattiioonnss,, i.e., content Comparison and Write oopperation aatt 1100 GGbb//ss,, ussiinngg the experimenttaall setup shown in Figure 55bb.. FFoorrtthheeCCoommppaarrisisoonnooppeer...
mainly refers to the legacies of parents and the debt children owe them, but it also signals the legacies of teachers, deities, the Buddha, tutelary land beings, ancestors in general, and many others (Walker 2018, p. 19). Humans' material existence and knowledge would not be possible ...
Major streams in the Mono Basin that originate in the high Sierra are Rush Creek, with tributaries Parker Creek and Walker Creek, Lee Vining Creek, and Mill Creek. From a biogeographical perspective, I have found no definition of Mono Basin. The Jepson Manual (Hickman, 1993), places the ...