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¥1647.77 亚马逊海外购 促销单价 Calvin Klein Underwear Calvin Klein Men's Skinny Fit Stretch Suit Separates – Custom Jacket & Pant Size Selection 爆料人: D_c超 23-11-20发布 亚马逊海外购此款目前活动售价1647.77元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付1647.77元 ...
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of cheapening the Calvin Klein brand name by producing jeans and underwear expressly for downmarket discount stores. Charges of trademark violations against Warnaco; Reaction of Warnaco Group chief executive Linda Wachner to charges made by Calvin Klein; The wealth that the licensing deals have ...
Calvin Klein品牌由创始人Calvin Klein于1968年创建,是美国著名设计师品牌。这款 X-Fit Two-Piece Suit 男士西装套装,由100%纯羊毛制成,衣料更挺括,抗皱,非常适合制作高级西服。经典的两粒扣,稳重但不单调,又有一点休闲时尚气息。Slim-fit的版型适合国人穿着,只可干洗,X-Fit可能会更适合身形细的朋友。
Calvin Klein 卡尔文·克莱 Infinite Stretch Suit Separate Vest 爆料人: 贫僧化缘 22-02-07发布 别样海外购此款目前活动售价113元,近期好价,感兴趣的值友可以入手。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付113元 服饰鞋包实时好价排行 每晚8-10点❗️服装真5折会场 ¥0 京东 ¥0 值得买爆料...
原价$79.5,目前Amazon售价降至3折$23.85,黑色2码起全码好价,尺码基本齐全。直邮运费加税约$7,直邮到手¥206元,现可以下单锁定价格。亚马逊购买地址>>|美国亚马逊Amazon直邮手把手教程>> Calvin Klein Women's Straight-Leg Suit Pant女士直筒西裤,采用涤纶混纺材质,穿着柔软舒适且具有一定的弹性,纯色配色帅气大方,...
NEW YORK — Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. and Calvin Klein filed a trademark-infringement suit against Calvin Clothing Company on July 29 in Manhattan federal court over use of the name “Calvin” on apparel. The lawsuit is the most recent dispute between the two companies. Calvin Clothing filed ...
Last month, yoga-gear guru Lululemon Athletica Inc filed a lawsuit in the US Federal Court in Delaware against PVH Corp’s Calvin Klein brand and G-III Apparel Group alleging infringement of three "design patents" (the US term for registered designs) relating to the design of its famous ...