这家曾被称为加尔瓦里公立医院的医疗机构正式转交给政府管理。Calvary Public Hospital Bruce 正式变成 North Canberra Hospital。从今天起,医院工作人员将穿着无品牌制服并佩戴名牌上班。超过1,700名加尔瓦里医院的员工,包括整个高管团队,已经过渡到堪培拉卫生服务公司(CHS)的雇佣状态。 据悉今年5月,紧急立法以允许政府从...
堪培拉方面证实,从Belconnen区到堪培拉科技学院(Canberra Institute of Technology,CIT)Bruce校区和Calvary hospital医院的班车服务将于4月29日开始运营,也就是新交通网络开通的同一天。 直达班车最多可容纳14人,从周一到周五,不按既定时间表运行,而是按需运行。 这项新服务是在CIT学生协会(CIT Students Association)和AC...
A new COVID-19 vaccination hub will open at the end of the month at Calvary Public Hospital Bruce if there is enough vaccine supply. Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith says the ACT Government was also looking at other sites as part of planning for future phases of the vaccine rollout, ...
It was originally set to service between 600 and 800 Canberrans a week. More than 8,200 Canberrans will now be able to be vaccinated between the two clinics each week. READ ALSONew Step Up Step Down mental health facility opens to support Canberra’s southside community The ACT Government co...