though, the Caltech Summer Enrichment Program focuses on scientific learning by doing programs that are tied to a need in the community. To get into this program, you will have to go through a competitive application process. However, if you get accepted...
while we are a tech program with the goal of transforming your child’s interests into real-world stem skills, we are also a summer camp. simply put, camp is a balance of learning and fun! students learn in small groups in labs on a prestigious college campus and from expert instructors...
02Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships Exchange/ Program 暑期本科生研究奖学金交换计划旨在通过让加州理工学院学生有机会生活在另一种文化中,在不同的学术/研究环境中进行研究,从而提高和拓宽他们的本科经历,准备好从事国际合作和协作的职业。加州理工学院的学生有机会在冰岛大学或光州科技学院(GIST)进行研究。 项...
5.本科生参与科研无比容易,本校有summer undergraduate research fellowship(SURF)这个神program,几乎所有的学生在校期间都至少做过一次SURF。SURF为期两个半月,由学校或对应实验室支付6000刀工资,在一个导师(有时还有博士生)的指导下(这里指导这个词对应英文advising)独立完成一个研究课题,最后写成报告论文并完成演讲汇报...
Penn Medical School Summer Program 斯坦福大学Math Summer Camp (SUMaC)The California State Summer ...
We even run our own softball team during the summer season (cleverly called “strike-slip”, just like the infamous San Andreas fault). But every now and then we have nighttime activities for bonding purposes, and painting night is truly the classic one of those. Especially for me, paint ...
Kaplan, at least, thinks he’s on to something. He got funding for his effort and a $3,000 stipend last summer through Caltech’s summer research fellowship program for undergraduates. While other students researched everything from asteroids to honey bees, Kaplan developed his baseball computer...
A:Many students have been involved in internships, summer programs, etc. that they would like to highlight somewhere in their application. If you don’t provide more detail in the above essays, you may want to incorporate it into this promptwithout losing focus on how it relates to your ...