Summer courses can help you to get a jump on completing your prerequisite classes or just want to get one step closer to finishing your degree. If you repeatedly attend summer quarters, you could obtain your degree months ahead of the other students who took those quarters off. High school s...
Summer tech camps held at Caltech. Kids and teens ages 7-18. Learn Programming, Video Game Design, Minecraft, App Development, Robotics, and more.
This summer, Edward and I traded candidate stories for the syllabus. Based on his suggestions, I recommend touring science fiction under an expert’s guidance. I enjoyed, for a few hours each weekend, sinking into the worlds of Ted Chiang, Ursula K. LeGuinn, N. K. Jemison, Ken Liu, an...
Q:How can I use this essay to talk about my research/internship/extracurricular if I haven’t been able to include information about it elsewhere? A:Many students have been involved in internships, summer programs, etc. that they would like to highlight somewhere in their application. If you...
STEM. Pay attention to the word “explore” in the prompt — try to stick to experiences in which you were an active participant, rather than just a passive receiver. For example, participating in a hands-on summer camp is much more relevant to this prompt than attending a public lecture...
I did spend one summer at William and Mary, and I came away with a very good impression of their physics department. One thing I liked about William and Mary is that it's a small cozy department in which everyone knows everyone else. MIT physics is big and it can be lonely. My ...
1) Teaching, professional, and vocational experience (include military service, but omit summer or part-time):教学,职业经历。 2) Research experience:科研经历 3) Major academic recognitions, honors, and memberships in scientific, professional and honorary societies:学位情况,荣誉项目,科学会员身份等。