根据外网数据,加州理工大学的SAT scores range 达到了1530 -1570,平均分1545,详细的科目均分可见下图⬇️ 除了加州理工,全美排名第4的文理学院:韦尔斯利学院(Wellesley College)也已放榜,本次早申阶段上海地区共获得2枚offer,其中一封落地了上海中学国际部。 韦尔斯利学院是美国马萨诸塞州韦尔斯利的一所享有盛誉的女...
加州理工大学位于美国加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳。作为科技领域的巅峰代表之一,Caltech一直以招生规模小闻名,学生人数只有2397,本科人数更是不足千人。 师生比方面,Caltech多年来一直保持1:3,保证了极高的教学和科研质量。 根据外网数据,加州理工大学的SAT scores range 达到了1530 -1570,平均分1545,详细的科目均分可见下...
In addition to SAT scores, Caltech also requires applicants to submit TOEFL or IELTS scores to d...
Caltech does, however, provide statistics on standardized tests for previous admissions cycles. According to the CDS, 45% of admitted students (101 people) submitted SAT scores, and 34% (77 people) submitted ACT scores. The middle 50% SAT range was 1510–1570, and the middle 50% ACT range...
此外,加州理工学院将继续暂缓提交标化考试成绩的政策,不要求2022-23申请季以及2023-24申请季的申请人提交SAT/ACT,即便学生提交了标化考试成绩,招生办也不会纳入考核标准。 Ref: https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/caltech-announces...
1) You should get top grades in math and science classes (if not all classes) and SAT without much efforts. Standard hs AP curriculum is terribly easy and provides a really poor foundation, imo, especially if you want to become a mathematician. 2) If you truly love math and science, y...
receive a personalized ranking provided by u.s. news college compass and find out. try it now admissions nov. 30 application deadline 26% acceptance rate sat range* n/a act range* n/a high school gpa* n/a * these are the average scores of applications admitted to this school. ranges ...
根据外网数据,加州理工大学的SAT scores range 达到了1530 -1570,平均分1545,详细的科目均分可见下图⬇️ 本次RD阶段中国大陆仅发放了3枚offer,2枚花落上海: 上中国际 1枚 上海宋庆龄学校国际部 1枚 重庆南开中学 1枚 自2021年起连续3年,加州理工的录取率都将至4%以下,并持续下滑,可见申请难度逐年上升。
Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores of admitted students. Why Caltech? Location: Pasadena, California Campus Features: The small school of just 938 undergraduates sits on a 124-acre campus that is a short distance from Los Angeles and the ...