“Are you ready to push the boundaries of scientific discovery?” 这句话是很多年以前我在申请Caltech本科时,Admissions Office老师问我的问题,我当时对这句话还似懂非懂,不过现在确实有了更深层次的领悟。如果有一天你从Caltech毕业离开学校,即使没有遵照学校最初对学生的期待成为科学家或工程师,但是未来你终...
Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1580 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Caltech. Requirements Caltech does not require the SAT writing section. Note that Caltech participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your ...
The admissions office is looking for anauthentic and fun 400 word portrayal of your characterthat could distinctly identify you from a crowd of essays. If you got to meet your admissions officer in person, and only had 60 seconds to pitch yourself without using anything from your activities or...
OFof理工理工学院加州理工 系统标签: caltechcaliforniainstitute理工学院加州throop THERE’SONLYONE. CALTECH visitor’sguide2007 CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology Pasadena,California91125 VisittheCaltechwebsiteat .caltech.edu elcometoCaltech.We’repleasedthat youwanttoknowmoreaboutus.This bookletismeanttogiveyo...
“Are you ready to push the boundaries of scientific discovery?” 这句话是很多年以前我在申请Caltech本科时,Admissions Office老师问我的问题,我当时对这句话还似懂非懂,不过现在确实有了更深层次的领悟。如果有一天你从Caltech毕业离开学校,即使没有遵照学校最初对学生的期待成为科学家或工程师,但是未来你终...
“Are you ready to push the boundaries of scientific discovery?”这句话是很多年以前我在申请Caltech本科时,Admissions Office老师问我的问题,我当时对这句话还似懂非懂,不过现在确实有了更深层次的领悟。如果有一天你从Caltech毕业离开学校,即使没有遵照学校最初对学生的期待成为科学家或工程师,但是未来你终将...
“Are you ready to push the boundaries of scientific discovery?” 这句话是很多年以前我在申请Caltech本科时,Admissions Office老师问我的问题,我当时对这句话还似懂非懂,不过现在确实有了更深层次的领悟。如果有一天你从Caltech毕业离开学校,即使没有遵照学校最初对学生的期待成为科学家或工程师,但是未来你终...
admissions.caltech.edu 2% 3% 3.5 vision.caltech.edu 3% 2% 1.4 gradoffice.caltech.edu 2% 2% 3.4 astro.caltech.edu 1% 1% 2.5 donut.caltech.edu 5% 1% 1.4 gps.caltech.edu 2% 1% 2.2 search.caltech.edu 2% 1% 1.8 cds.caltech.edu 3% 1% 1.1 etd.caltech.edu 2% 1% 1.5 surf.caltech....