2018, following a year as interim head. He received his undergraduate degree in applied mathematics from Université Catholique de Louvain in 1987 and completed his PhD at MIT in 1990. He has been on the faculty since 1992, receiving tenure in 1999...
achievementsinscience andengineering. NobelPrize:31recipients,32prizes CrafoordPrize:5recipients NationalMedalofScience:47recipients NationalMedalofTechnology:10recipients CaliforniaScientistoftheYear:15recipients Fellow,AmericanAcademyofArtsandSciences: 82faculty Member,NationalAcademyofSciences: 72faculty Member,...
our team grew to include scientific-computing expert Alfredo Nava-Tudelo, physicist Bill Phillips, senior faculty specialist Daniel Serrano, andQuantum Frontiersgatekeeper Spiros Michalakis. We secured a grant from the University of Maryland’sArts for Allprogram this spring. The...
When MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) offers a MOOC for free, there is not much one should think about. MIT’s Free Computer Science Programming course is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. As a student, you will understand the role computation plays in solvi...
displacement cascades. Nature, 475:368-372, 2011.News and Views: “DNA and the brain” by Ann e Condon, Nature, 475:304-305.Media coverage: msnbc News, CBS News, Discovery News, CNET News, Daily Mail, The Hindu, International Business Times, Science Daily, Science 2.0, etc.1 ...
This is why I think MIT faculty and alumni are trying very hard to figure out how to get the MIT experience without getting admitted to MIT, and which is one reason I'm posting as much as I do. If you didn't get into MIT, I want to give you enough information so that you can ...