由于之前对于实验领域的老师了解的不是太广泛,所以在确定选校名单这个阶段,我就详细地翻了一遍top校实验方向的faculty,搜索跨度达到了Physics, Applied Physics, EE, MSE, ME, NSE等等,不希望遗落掉任何一个可能。 这个过程是非常重要的,...
由于之前对于实验领域的老师了解的不是太广泛,所以在确定选校名单这个阶段,我就详细地翻了一遍top校实验方向的faculty,搜索跨度达到了Physics, Applied Physics, EE, MSE, ME, NSE等等,不希望遗落掉任何一个可能。 这个过程是非常重要的,同时也会带来非常多的收获,会增加你对于某个领域整体的了解和把握程度,简单说...
由于之前对于实验领域的老师了解的不是太广泛,所以在确定选校名单这个阶段,我就详细地翻了一遍top校实验方向的faculty,搜索跨度达到了Physics, Applied Physics, EE, MSE, ME, NSE等等,不希望遗落掉任何一个可能。 这个过程是非常重要的,同时也会带来非常多的收获,会增加你对于某个领域整体的了解和把握程度,简单说...
Caltech has six academic divisions viz. Biology & Biological Engineering, Engineering & Applied Science, etc. that offer about 27 options (majors) in total. The class size is relatively small with 235 members in the freshmen class resulting in an excellent student to faculty ratio of 3:1. It...
physics and mathematics and a master"s degree in physics from the University of Manitoba in Canada. He then received his PhD from Caltech in 1999. Stewart joined the physics faculty at MIT in 2003, was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2009, and became a full professor in ...
Gates is currently the Ford Foundation Professor of Physics at Brown University. He previously served on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, during Barack Obama’s presidency, and, from 1984 to 2017, held faculty and director positions at the University of Maryland, Co...
graduatedwithhonor Alumni (asofJanuary2007) Livingalumni21,758 BS11,027 MS7,650 Engineer385 PhD6,498 Exstudent642 Certificate84 Totaldegrees*26,286 *Thetotalnumberofdegreesisgreaterthanthe numberoflivingalumnibecausemanygraduates havemultipleCaltechdegrees. Faculty (asofDecember2006) Membersofthefacultyin...
s first-year seminar course. Each week, one faculty member would present to us about their research over pizza. Ed had landed the best teaching gig, I thought: continual learning about diverse, cutting-edge physics. So I associate Ed with intellectual breadth, curiosity, and the scent of ...
She did her postdoctoral research at University of California, Berkeley and joined the faculty of California Institute of Technology in August 2021. As a Ph.D. student under the direction of Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, Shasha developed novel optical imaging modalities and achieved detection of single-...
I don't particularly think it's a good idea to do this, and I know many MIT physics faculty agree with me (or at least many of the ones I talk to). But it is certainly not "very strong policy". And I know of one professor on the graduate admissions committee at the time that...