Caltech has an experienced faculty and staff, many of whom have outstanding research achievements an...
Caltech funded its initial research, and NASA and its Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) funded its next phase and brought in Ramezani, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Northeastern University, as a faculty researcher at JPL last summer to develop it further. Its M42 versio...
I applied to these four schools for aeronautics astronautics or aerospace engineering and am having a really hard time deciding between them. At Princeton, there is one professor that I am interested in working with but there is a rumor that he is going
Dual avenues of space exploration and the improvement of education would come to define Leshin’s career. In 2004, while at her first faculty position at ASU, she was appointed to the President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy, where fellow 2021 Distinguishe...