In the chart above, the calorific value of different fuels has been drawn where Petrol, Diesel and Heavy Oil have their calorific values in a similar range, i.e., 11,000 Kcal per Kg. However, studies have shown that Petrol has the maximum one. Anthracite coal and coal gas have 8500 kc...
The calorific value of biodiesel is lower (39–41 MJ/kg) compared with other liquid fuels such as petrol (46 MJ/kg), diesel fuel (43 MJ/kg) or oil (42 MJ/kg), but higher than coal (32–37 MJ/kg) [100]. The calorific value is divided in inferior calorific power (ICP) and ...
Calorific Value is defined as the amount of heat energy present in food or fuel and is determined by its complete combustion of a specified quantity. Explore more about calorific value @ BYJU'S.
Calorific valueis an important parameter in the selection of a fuel. The caloric value ofbiodieselis lower than ofdieselbecause of its higher oxygen content[76,77,147]. FromTable 13, it can be seen that the lowest calorific value is 35.56MJ/kg forPongamia pinnata(karanja) and the highest ...
Fuels - Higher and Lower Calorific Values Higher and lower calorific values (heating values) for fuels like coke, oil, wood, hydrogen and others. Energy content or calorific value is the same as the heat of combustion , and can be calculated from thermodynamical values, or measured in a ...
This study aimed to investigate the fuel properties like density, viscosity and calorific value of trans-esterified methyl ester using castor biodiesel and their blends with No. 2 diesel. Empirical correlations are proposed to predict the kinematic viscosity, density, and calorific value for a ...