Hershey’s Kisses Everyone needs a kiss now and then. And what’s the harm? They’re so easy to eat, you might not even notice that you’re knockingbackone after another. 7/25 Calories 1 Kiss: 22 You’ll have had all your empty calories (ones with little or no nutritional value) ...
Kit Kat Snack-size - 2 & 4/5 bars (Really, now I've got to do math!) Hershey's Kisses - 4 1/2 kisses(I don't like these either, they're all yours) M&Ms - 23 pieces(Only dark chocolate peanut M&Ms for me) Twix minis - 2 full mini-bars For a few more options, check ...
- Win percentage: 59.2%- Candy properties: chocolate, bar Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate has 45% cacao. Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate also comes in a variety of versions, including Kisses, cocoa, syrup, and chocolate chips. #23. Snickers Crisper theimpulsivebuy // Flickr #23. Snickers...