Enjoy.BreakfastBeforeChoco corn flakes with semi-skimmed milk, 250ml glass Frijj chocolate thick shake.(371 calories, 5.1g fat)AfterChocolate Ready Brek with skimmed milk and a sliced banana, low cal Options choc drink. (329 calories, 4.8g fat)Why?- Chocolate Ready Brek is a better ...
The protein in the chicken ensures you’ll be full after enjoying a portion of this recipe. At just 298 calories, serve these pancakes with a side salad or a portion of sweet potatoes. Choose semi-skimmed milk over full fat to keep the fat count low, you could also choose skimmed milk ...
Well,not all the milk you see on supermarket shelves is from cows.These days we see many plant-based alternatives to dairy,such as oat,pea and soya milk.But why would someone stop drinking their full-fat ,semi-skimmed or skimmed cow's milk and trade it for one of the...
Short: 1 Pump Apple Brown Sugar Syrup, Regular Spiced Apple Drizzle, 2% Milk, Milk Foam, Steamed Hot, 1 Espresso Shot Tall: 2 Pumps Apple Brown Sugar Syrup, Regular Spiced Apple Drizzle, 2% Milk, Milk Foam, Steamed Hot, 1 Espresso Shot Grande: 3 Pumps Apple Brown Sugar Syrup, Regular ...