Powdered Protein Cookie Butter contains under 60 calories per serving, is keto friendly and is only 1 Weight Watcher Point. Packed with protein, this delicious product can be added to your oatmeal, smoothie, or many other ways.
Nutrient Boosters Super-charge your smoothie with flavorful and nutrient-packed blend-ins such as flaxseed, chia seeds, quick oats, spices (cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger), unsweetened cocoa powder, or powdered peanut butter. Less is More Remember to keep smoothie ingredients simple and take a ‘les...
Nut Butter (here’s our article on powdered peanut butter) Apple Sauce Coffee Beans Pancake Mix Sugar Syrup Vegetable Oil Crackers (hardtack)– (here’s our article on How To Make Hardtack) MREs – (here’s our article on MREs) Pemmican – (here’s our article on How To Make Pemmican...
Unsaturated Fats and polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids from vegetable and nut sources include olive oil, vegetable oils (safflower, corn, sunflower), nuts, seeds, powdered peanut butter, and nut butter. Packets of olive oil are handy for adding calories to all backpacking meals. Olive oil is...