One such fruit is the guava. Guavas belong to the Myrtle family and present themselves in round to oval shapes. They are typically tropical fruits and hence grown in most Asian countries. It is almost similar to that of a pear, which is green coloured and turns yellow to reddish when ...
Yellow (ripe)bananas contain more sugar, so they may cause a bigger rise in blood sugar. Is it okay to eat 2 bananas a day? One to two bananas per day isconsidered a moderate intake for most healthy people. Be sure to eat this fruit as part of a balanced diet that provides all the...
Pearsor Pyrus communis are apome fruitbelongs to the familyapple. One of the reports comes from Homer's suggesting this fruit as "Gifts from the Gods." Pears ranks second place to the apple as the most popular fruit. They can be eaten and used in the same way as the apple. The divers...
312 Kapei fruit: 296 calories and 3 grams of fat muffins: 186 calories 3 grams of fat, 13 grams of fat tart Egg McMuffin:290 card Corn soup: 85/127 hot chocolate: 138 calories butter, corn one: 190 calories, 3 grams of fat KFC KFC chicken drumstick 441 card spicy chicken incense Fo...
Freshly steamed 100% apple juice (not from concentrate). Feel the apple goodness in this classic fruit drink that will soothe and embolden your day. Calories:Kids (120 Cals), Short (120 Cals), Tall (170 Cals), Grande (220 Cals), Venti (280 Cals) ...