Clementines Dole Mandarins in Orange Gel Libby's Premium Mandarin Oranges in Light Syrup Festival Mandarin Oranges view more results Used in these Member Recipes: Couscous Cranberry Orange Salad Orange, Fennel & Avocado Salad Sweet Potato & Apple Bake ...
From these sugars, usually only fructose and lactose, which may be slowly absorbed in the small intestine, actually reach the large intestine where bacteria break them down. Fructose and lactose are considered FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols), which can cause ...
Total fat: One large orange has 0.2 grams of total fat, which includes 0.04 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 0.04 grams of monounsaturated fat, 0 grams of saturated fat and 0 grams of trans fat. Carbohydrates: One large orange has 21.6 grams of carbs, which includes 4.4 grams ...
Fresh fruits (1 medium or 1 cup-237 mL): apple, clementine, melon (honeydew), orange4-6 Vegetables: sweet potatoes (1 cup, mashed, 200 g), beetroot (1/2 cup, slices, 85 g)6 Baked beans (1/2 cup, 125 g)6 Fondant (1 oz, 28 g)[6]4-6 ...