The McDonald's McChicken® is a crispy chicken sandwich topped with mayo and lettuce. Order a crispy McChicken sandwich at a McDonald's near you!
At 650 calories, 35g of Fat, 49g of Carbs, and 34g of Protein, it’s relatively well-balanced, but the calories are on the higher side for a chicken sandwich. Popeyesfamous fried chicken sandwich contains slightly more calories with 700, but most of the other fast food fried chicken s...
Sauces and dips are often packed with calories and nutrients and make your meals easier to eat.Adding jam to a peanut butter sandwich makes it go down way easier. So does adding mole to your chicken breast or a stir fry sauce to your stir fry. I’m a big fan of “salsa” sauces, ...
That's where portable breakfasts come in. TheAmerican Heart Association'sbreakfast sandwich made with egg whites, vegetables and whole-grain bread delivers plenty of nutrients and is even compact enough to finish in the car, if needed. Whether you have it on the run or at the table, finish...
Sliced Baked Chicken Sandwich Food Search Add this item to my food diary date: meal: name: amount: Save Cancel Please note that some foods may not be suitable for some people and you are urged to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any weight loss effort or diet regimen. Al...
TheKFCFamous Chicken Chicken Sandwich which is available in Canada only was so popular that it had sold out in October. Luckily for KFC lovers, the sandwich has returned. What is KFC Famous ChickenChicken Sandwichmade of? The KFC Famous ChickenChicken Sandwichis made with 100 per cent Canadian...
One chicken carbonara sandwich (small) weighs about 200g to 250g. One small sandwich has about 500 calories (160 calories from fat). It contains more than 9 percent calcium and about 4 percent iron. 3.5 oz (100g) chicken carbonara sandwich 9.2g total fat, 4.4g saturated fat, 1079mg sod...
A sandwich with two pieces of whole wheat bread and two pieces of lean meat like chicken or salmon A salad with one chopped vegetable such as tomato and a low-fat dressing One fruit like an apple or banana Dinner Two pieces of grilled lean meat with seasoning and one teaspoon of oil A...
Chicken Enchiladas in Salsa Verde Serving Size - Per 1 enchilada Serving Size Per 1 enchilada Calories 240 Total Fat 9 Carbs 21 Protein 19 Expand « Organic Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts Serving Size - Per 4 oz Serving Size Per 4 oz Calories 120 Total Fat 1.5 Protein 26 Expand « Ch...
The most similar sandwich to the Zinger burger in the US (KFC spicy chicken sandwich) has 620 calories, 49g carbs, and 34g protein. My homemade Zinger burger has 496 calories, 36.2g carbohydrates, and 15.6g protein. The exact nutrition info for your copycat Zinger depends on the buns an...