If you like drinking a glass of water with meals, that’s fine.But you could bump your calories higher by swapping water for milk, soy milk, oat milk, or even fruit juice. They contain the fluid you need and are richer in calories and protein. You can also drink as much water as y...
There are 6 g of carbohydrates in 100 g pineapple. A thin slice of pineapple contains 7 g of carbohydrates while a thick slice contains 11 g. One cup of pineapple chunks contains 21.65 g of carbohydrates. (1) What about the nutritional value of pineapple juice? One glass of pineapple juic...
“Strategies to increase the variety of protein foods include incorporating seafood as the protein foods choice in meals twice per week in place of meat, poultry, or eggs, and using legumes or nuts and seeds in mixed dishes instead of some meat or poultry. For example, choosing a salmon ste...
I do all of his except for Gatorade and adding the small amount of soda to water. All I drink is water or even juice but it has to have no sugar or a little in it. I have changed this part of my life for about 4, 5 years now and I love it!
Apple Juice 120 0 0 10 29 Grapefruit Juice 70 0 0 25 15 Beer - Non-Alc O'Doul's 70 OTHER BEVERAGES Wine Glass 120 0 0 7 4 Wine Bottle 490 Regular Beer 14 oz 150 0 0 14 13 Light Beer 14oz 100 0 0 14 6 Distilled Spirits (80 proof Gin, Rum, Vodka or Whiskey ) 1.5...
These foods are a small percentage of what you can eat on this diet, but hopefully, this gives you an idea of the range of food you can still have. If you think you’ll be living off celery and carrot juice, this is not the case. You can eat almost anything you want in moderate...
As some of you may know, I tend to strain my own Greek yogurt from regular plain non-fat yogurts since I find it much cheaper that way. I normally just strain the yogurt overnight in a coffee filter, but there was one time where I was away for a few days and left the yogurt in...
vegetables and whole-grain bread delivers plenty of nutrients and is even compact enough to finish in the car, if needed. Whether you have it on the run or at the table, finish the meal with a cup of vegetable juice and a side of fruit, such as 1 cup of diced cantaloupe. The total...
With this thinking in mind, let’s consider the impact of drinking a glass of apple juice versus eating a whole apple. In the former circumstance, the amount of fructose you’re consuming is not being mitigated by fiber. However, if you are having a whole apple, fiber will slow down the...
If you must indulge, opt for lighter options like a glass of wine or a light beer and account for those calories in your overall meal plan. When it comes to beverages, less is often more. The simpler the drink, the easier it is to keep your calorie count in check. By choosing ...