1.5 fl. oz is 44.36 mL in the US, which means a 40% ABV whisky has 17.74 mL of ethanol. Ethanol’s density is only 0.789 g/mL, so the shot contains 14.0 g, or 98 (kilo)calories. For the UK, the shot is 42.62 mL, 13.45 g of ethanol, and 94.16 (kilo)calories. Reply ↓ ...
Champagne (85 Calories per 4 oz Serving) Can you smell vodka on your breath? There is only one problem with this: Alcohol has no odor. Assuming the officer actually does smell an odor on the breath, what he is smelling is not ethyl alcohol but the flavoring in the beverage. ... A m...