If you want to find out how many calories are in an apple, you have definitely come to the right page. This is a thorough guide to the calorific content of this popular fruit, using examples of a whole range of different breeds such as Granny Smith, Gala, and Fuji apples, to name bu...
Some are more crisp and sweet, like the Honeycrisp and Gala, while others are more tart, like the Granny Smith. 2. The fiber is in the skin There is a reason the skin of an apple is a bit tough: It houses the majority of the fiber in the fruit. One medium apple with skin has...
1 medium apple (Gala), sliced = 98 calories, 0.43g protein, 0.21g fat, 4g fiber, 18g sugar 1 tablespoon sunflower seed butter = 99 calories, 2.8g protein, 8.8g fat, 1g fiber, 1.7g sugar Total: 197 calories, 3.2g protein, 9g fat, 5g fiber, 19.7g sugar Related article How to ...