More than just a calorie calculator, this complete weight loss calculator calculates your calorie requirements, your BMI, your BMR and more.
To lose 20 pounds in 1 month you would need to eat 2400 calories less per day (this is why very overweight people who have been eating around 4000 calories per day can lose weight quicker than lighter people, as they can reduce their intake by 2400 calories per day and still eat enough...
More on this in the "how many calories to lose weight" section below. Our weight loss calculator incorporates a dynamic caloric deficit model which estimates how many calories you would need to reduce your daily intake by in order to achieve a given weight loss goal. It allows you to ...
I know your New Year’s resolutions are including losing weight or getting fit. If you want to lose weight or get fit you should start with what you eat. A good nutrition will help you both to get or stay fit, and lose weight if you need to. Our tools will help you to keep[…]...
Calorie Calculator» Calorie Counter with Complete Food Nutrition Database So You’re Trying To Lose Weight… First of all, good for you and we’re here to help! But remember: while it’s wonderful to want to look and feel your best, it’s also crucial that you take care of your bo...
Use the calorie calculator to determine how many calories you need in a day to maintain your weight, your daily caloric intake needs, or how many calories you need to burn to lose weight.
How often should I use a calorie calculator? It’s a good idea to recalculate your caloric needs periodically, especially if there are significant changes in your weight, activity level, or fitness goals.
This will show your body composition rather than just weight. How much of a calorie deficit to lose weight? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of weight or fat loss you can achieve will vary depending on the individual. ...
Whatever sport you do, whatever you eat, you will lose weight only if you burn more calories than you eat. This is the basic principle of weight loss, so don't believe in 'miraculous' weight loss ads. 1/10 Ideal Weight Calculator Gender: Birth Year: Height: Your Daily Calorie Limit ...
Use our calorie intake calculator to find out how many calories you need to lose weight. Eating right is already hard enough, so use this calculator to take the guesswork out and calculate your specific daily caloric needs to lose body fat and keep it of