番茄工作法 50/10 实时 2:01:23 2-HR STUDY WITH ME 📚🍃 Pomodoro 255 Background noise, high Concentration 2:00:33 3-HR STUDY WITH ME 🪵 🌙 Pomodoro Timer 50-10 Relaxing Fireplace, Deep Focus 3:01:42 3-HR STUDY WITH ME 📚🪵 Cozy crackling Fireplace, Late evening Pomodoro 25...
10 2:01:12 4-HOUR STUDY WITH ME 🕯️☔️ pomodoro 5010, rainy night & deep focus ⏳ timer 4:02:31 2-HOUR STUDY WITH ME 🕯️🪵 crackling wood, rain sound 🌌 night ambience 2:03:11 3-HOUR STUDY WITH ME ☕️📚 pomodoro 50/10, cozy ambience & high concentration...
1. 顺势而为:正在刮起的心理健康浪潮 联合创始人Alex Tew在2011年鼓捣过一个有趣的网站—— Do Nothing For 2 Minutes,它要求你坐在电脑前不碰鼠标键盘,什么也不做,就这么呆上两分钟。网站上线一天,访问量就达到了惊人的 200 万次,Tew 由此发现寂寞的人如此之多,加之他是一个 14 岁就开始的冥想练习...
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focus mindfulness Try for free Unleash tranquility within10 minutes a day. Engage inenchanting activities, quiet racing thoughts, and embrace inner calm. PeacefulBonding Share serene moments, discover inner peace with accessible breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. ...
Micro breaks are short breaks that last from a few seconds to several minutes. They’re taken throughout your workday to break up long periods of sedentary behavior—like sitting at a desk for extended periods. Research has shown that smaller breaks that are 10 minutes or less can be as...
there are a few things you can try to get back to dreamland. If you’re tossing and turning for more than 10 minutes, take yourself out of bed. Try reading in a comfy chair or walking around your house. If you want, a quick outdoor walk and some deep breathing might help ease you...
此外,还有减负式应用 Aloe Bud(帮助用户定时提醒用户休息散心和放松,关心自己)、由 Digg联合创始人 Kevin Rose 发起的 Oak 冥想应用,同类产品还包括 Simple Habit、Buddhify 和 Insight Timer 等…… 仅今年一季度,美国前 10 名自我关心式软件的营收累积达到 1500 万美元。
Set a timer for your desired length of meditation Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths Focus on your breath, noticing the sensation of air moving in and out of your body When your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath ...
Calm Music contains tracks that are specially curated for Calm. These come in various lengths, ranging from 10 minutes to more than an hour. Some include vocals, while others are instrumentals or mixes. Calm Body If you’re into mindfulness exercise and movement, the app offers Calm Body, a...