oracle.tip.b2b.callout Interface Calloutpublic interface Callout Callout interface for creating callouts. Here are the steps in implementing the execute() method in this interface:(1) Retrieve the callout properties from CalloutContext String xsltFile = context.getStringProperty("xsltFile"); (...
Callout- Interface inoracle.tip.b2b.callout Callout interface for creating callouts. CalloutContext- Interface inoracle.tip.b2b.callout The CalloutContext interface contains methods for accessing callout and usage properties using a key and also methods for obtaining all callout / usage propert...
警告 现已弃用此 API。 This is obsolete now. This interface has been moved to @microsoft/sp-property-pane. Please consume it from there.PropertyPane 下拉列表标注属性。Extends IPropertyPaneDropdownCalloutProps 注解我们在此处留下了原始实现,以避免破坏公共 API 协定。
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid("000C0311-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] public interface CalloutFormat : Microsoft.Office.Core._IMsoDispObjAttributes GuidAttribute Implements _IMsoDispObj RemarksUse the Callout property to return a CalloutFormat object.Properties...
Schedulable Interface SchedulableContext Interface Schema Class Search Class SelectOption Class Set Class Site Class sObject Class StaticResourceCalloutMock Class String Class System Class Test Class Time Class TimeZone Class Trigger Class Type Class UninstallHandler Interface URL Class UserInfo ...
Interface Summary PanoramaInterface PanoramaLocalInterface ImageInfoResult Constant Summary 推送服务 Archived Android客户端API(已归档) com.huawei.hms.aaid(已归档) Overview(已归档) HmsInstanceId(已归档) com.huawei.hms.aaid.entity(已归档) Overview(已归档) AAIDResult(已归档) com....
public interface ISwCalloutHandler C++/CLI public interface class ISwCalloutHandler Example Create Multi-row Callouts (VBA) Remarks To use this interface in a SOLIDWORKS VB.NET or C# macro or add-in, seeComVisibleAttribute in VB.NET and C# Macros and Add-ins. ...
Public Interface ICalloutAngleVariable Visual Basic (Usage)Dim instance As ICalloutAngleVariable C# public interface ICalloutAngleVariable C++/CLI public interface class ICalloutAngleVariable Example Get and Set Hole Callout Variables (C#) ...
The DropCallout method corresponds to the Insert Callout command in the Visio user interface. (On the Insert tab, click Callout.)ExampleThe following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example shows how to use the DropCallout method to add a callout to the active page and associate it ...
アセンブリ: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 線吹き出しに適用されるプロパティとメソッドが含まれます。 C# コピー [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid("000209C5-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] public interface CalloutFormat 属性 GuidAttribute 注釈 CalloutFormat オブジェクトをCallout取得...