華津藥業(yè) 視用藥人為父母兄妹Care fo life 創(chuàng)新是進(jìn)步的源動(dòng)力 不斷創(chuàng)新是我們的使命Continuous Innovation 溝通 信任 合作 共贏(yíng) 我們相信只有合作共贏(yíng)才能共創(chuàng)輝煌Sustainable Partnership...
Korn S, the main benefit of sending spam reports is the same benefit as reporting spam in Gmail–everybody gets better spam classification and lower spam rates as a result. I happily report spam in Gmail all the time. Does that make Google more money? Maybe in some indirect way, but the...
They both have a point. While in theory it's not more work to call somebody over Skype instead of the legacy phone system, it's not an integrated experience on many devices yet. Meanwhile, FaceTime embeds itself nicely into regular contact cards, but as long as it's iOS-only, it can...
This year’s @Hinschcity March Madness contest is back and better than ever, with a top prize of a $50 State & Main Gift Card or E-Tab on the line. As a bonus, I’ve added 3 consolation prizes of Starbucks E-Gift Cards!