Be aware of extra charges that you may incur by using a service, such as a calling card, to place international calls. These services often advertise low rates but will charge extra fees for connection or maintenance. Global Insurance Services ...
We want to share some important news. Our services have merged with Amantel, a leading calling card company. As a result, all future transactions and services will be processed through our sister company, We genuinely appreciate your trust and support during your time with us...
Buy Voice Credit and pay with a credit/debit card or PayPal Start calling from any phone or with our free smartphone app International Calling to Ethiopia We believe international calling should be simple, reliable and affordable. Regardless of the destination you are trying to reach or wheth...
Learn More FOR Rechargeable Cards 5% Extra Credit Use promotion code Extra5 at checkout to get 5% Extra Credit all Rechargeable calling card orders over $30. Learn More Refer Friend $10 Refer a Friend and both of you get $10. Refer...
Ethiopia 0.384 Ethiopia - Mobile 0.404 Falkland Islands 1.114 Falkland Islands - Mobile 1.614 Faroe Islands 0.414 Faroe Islands - Mobile 0.414 Fiji 0.324 Fiji - Mobile 0.524 Finland 0.334 Finland - Helsinki 0.334 Finland - Mobile 0.334 France 0.055 France - Mobile 0.364 France - Nice 0.055 France...
Simply Reliance Plan Enjoy calls to over 150 countries Buy Now Africa 2 ¢/min Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria Buy Now Lowest Call Rates Reliance Global Call international calling card service offers you most competitive rates, special calling plans, best call quality while calling any mobil...
Calling card to Senegal is one of the most popular and preferred way to make long distance phone calls. Anyone, who wants to make long distance call, can use these cards to be connected with his or her loved ones, living at a far distance from them, like Senegal. Amantel provides ...
When you have a conversation it always charge high call rates, know no need to be afraid about high call rates. Pidipompi provides cheapest calling card and phone cards to call Pakistan from USA and Canada with low call rates, high-quality connection and voice quality....
Ethiopia 0.524 Ethiopia - Mobile 0.524 Falkland Islands 1.060 Falkland Islands - Mobile 1.560 Faroe Islands 0.354 Faroe Islands - Mobile 0.354 Fiji 0.454 Fiji - Mobile 0.454 Finland 0.320 Finland - Helsinki 0.320 Finland - Mobile 0.320 France 0.025 France - Mobile 0.234 France - Nice 0.025 France...
The registered users of the Amantel Sierra Leone phone card can avail any of such facility, by just paying nominal charges. We are here to assist you with all of your cards related queries. When you will buy the card, then you will be able to make well connected and long duration ...