This example shows how to run a control language (CL) command from within a Java™ program. In this example, the Java class runs a CL command. The CL command uses the Display JVM Jobs (DSPJVMJOB) CL command to display all of the jobs on the system that contain an active Java Virtu..., invokes a native method. The native method then makes a call back to a Java method. To make things a little more interesting, the Java method again (recursively) calls the native method. This process continues until the recursion is five levels deep, at which time...
SeeExample: Calling a CL command with java.lang.Runtime.exec()for an example of how to call a CL command from within a Java program. Note:The JAVSAMPLIB is not created as part of the IBM® Developer Kit licensed program (LP) number5761-JV1installation process. You must explicitly crea...
A method and system of processing within a Java Virtual Machine on a computer system, a native function call instruction of a dynamic parameter set type and contained in a Java byte code application. The method comprises the steps of; interpreting the byte code representing a native function ...
在下文中一共展示了Context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission方法的15个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的Java代码示例。 示例1: usagePermissionCheck ▲点赞 4▼ importandroid.content.Context;//导入方法依赖的package包/类publicstaticbo...
Accessing and Importing Java Classes From jar files To use resources within a jar file from JRuby, the jar file must either be on the classpathorbe made available with therequiremethod: require'path/to/mycode.jar' Thisrequiremakes the resources inmycode.jardiscoverable by later commands likeimp...
I thought i remembered reading somewhere that a method's client (the class calling the method) can be looked up and referenced without passing the client itself as an argument. The session ejb looks up the correct number based on the name of the sequence
In this article we present JP2, a new calling context profiler for the Java Virtual Machine, which collects profiles that are not only complete but also call-site aware; that is, JP2 is able to distinguish between multiple call sites within a single method. JP2 supports selective profiling of...
Actually, it would be an option to explicitly exclude a certain method from interception (here: performCheck); but i am unaware that this possible in a JavaEE standard way. I can either annotate the whole class or each method, but i cannot annotate the class and somehow exclude certain ...
Thus, only method Human.walk is added to the call graph. On the other hand, a context-insensitive analysis has only a single model of the parameter and a single model of the return value for a given method. Consequently, in a context-insensitive analysis the model of the parameter points...