程序如上,但是用AVR STUDIO 4的,软件仿真的时候就出现error: called object is not a function,出现在...
第二行 预定义 a(0) ==> a[0]
Error: called object type 'int' is not a function or function pointer - this appears when i put the mouse on the X. I've browsed on internet for a while and read that it has to do with the configuration in Options for Target. Btw i'm using version 5.36.0...
float L,S,p;变量放在第4行声明 RETURN 0;后加;号 IF 后面接的条件是否不用加;号 还有一个问题,SQRT开非负数的实数平方根,ABS()用于求整数绝对值,如果算式算法有问题,内存变量最终出不来,还是会报警
linux C语言之called object ‘maze’ is not a function or function pointer printf(“%d\t“, maze(i, j)),今天写广度优先搜索的时候出现了这个问题,解决办法:特么我傻逼了,明显是数组,我写成了mate(i,j),然后我改了写成了
define iwown_localizedString(key,value) [FUHandle iwown_localizedStringForKey:(key) value:value]找来iOS的宏定义作为对比,最后确定原因是value同时作为方法名和宏定义的形势参数。将上面的宏定义改成 define iwown_localizedString(key,value) \ [FUHandle iwown_localizedStringForKey:(key) and...
"called object '8' is not a function or function pointer" compile error Hi,Simon: I use App_Hid_mouse example.When I change IO,Error came out. code: Sign in to reply
/Users/MyName/Documents/Projects/MyProject/Airship/UI/Default/Push/Classes/Shared/UALocationSettingsViewController.m:110:5: error: called object type 'NSString *' is not a function or function pointer UALOG(@"Get Location pressed"); ^ In file included from /Users/MyName/Documents/Projects/My...