http.get('', function(contributors) { /* Display all top contributors */ console.log(contributors); http.get('', function(userData) { /* Display user with username 'Jhon' */ con...
Promise是JS对象,它们用于表示一个异步操作的最终完成 (或失败), 及其结果值.查看MDN 您可以通过使用回调方法或使用Promise执行异步操作来获得结果。但是两者之间有一些细微的差异。...CallBack 和Promise之间的区别两者之间的主要区别在于,使用回调方法时,我们通常只是
// 参考 MDN Background Tasks API 这篇文章// taskHandle = null;let taskList = [() => {console.log('task1')},() => {console.log('task2')},() => {console.log('task3')}]function runTaskQueue(dea...
functiongetMoneyBack(money,callback){if(typeofmoney!=='number'){callback(null,newError('money is not a number'))}else{callback(money)}}constmoney=getMoneyBack(1200)console.log(money) Promises: 代码语言:javascript 复制 functiongetMoneyBack(money){returnnewPromise((resolve,reject)=>{if(typeof...
A reference to a function that should be called in the near future. The callback function takes a deadline argument with the following properties: timeRemaining: A reference to a method that returns aDOMHighResTimeStamp. didTimeout: A boolean that returns false if the callback was invoked ...
functionwork(deadline:Deadline) {// deadline 上面有一个 timeRemaining() 方法,能够获取当前浏览器的剩余空闲时间, 单位ms;有一个属性didTimeout,表示是否超时 console.log(`当前帧剩余时间: ${deadline.timeRemaining()}`); if(deadline.timeRemaining()>1||deadline.didTimeout) { ...
// 例子,来自MDNvarstart =null;varelement =document.getElementById('SomeElementYouWantToAnimate');'absolute';functionstep(timestamp) {if(!start) start = timestamp;varprogress = timestamp - start; /10,200) +'px';if(progress <2000...
Spec Right now you can't really tell if scrollIntoView scroll animation has finished nor you can't control the speed of the scroll and it might differ with each browser. So if you want to perform some action right after the animation has...
Returns An unsigned long integer that can be used to cancel the callback using theWindow.cancelIdleCallback()method. Parameters callback A reference to a function that should be called in the near future. The callback function takes a deadline argument with the following properties: ...
//从转向过来的URL中截取参数 开始 function SplitUrl(key) { var fstr=key; var getstr=''; var url=document.URL.toString...url.substring(loc+fstr.length,url.length); return getstr; } else { return ""; } } //从转向过来的URL中截取参数 1.4K20 Qs传参数格式问题 记录一下个人在使用Qs传...