Wedge gaps really come down to how you splay and what you need for the courses you play. I personally would start with the loft of wedge you want to play around the green and then fill in the gaps from there. Your gaps may be off a degree here and there but I think having the ri...
Callaway made sure every wedge loft is paired with the ideal bounce so golfers get the best versatility and turf interaction. Men's Forged Dark Chrome Product Specs LoftAvailabilityBounceSoleStandard LengthLieSwingweight 48°RH / LH10°Blended C Grind35.50"64.0°D3 ...
As for the feel, it’s as good as any blade I’ve played, and better than a lot of them. Though Callaway hasn’t published the bounce specs on the Apex MB, it’s evident from a quick side-by-side comparison that it has more than most musclebacks, including myMiura Tournament Blade...
I was going to keep the Paradym irons out of my bag until I had an opportunity for a launch monitor test and evaluation plus one range session, but because I feel comfortable with the look and specs of this set of irons, they are staying in my bag and I will play them in tournaments...
I know this was from a while ago but I have started thinking about a utility iron and respect your take on clubs (have a CBX hybrid partly cause of you ;) ) I’m currently gaming Callaway Apex irons 4i-pw bent 1* weaker (fit this winter at CC). I love the irons and was curio...