'list_iterator' object is not callable错误表明你尝试调用了一个列表迭代器(list_iterator)对象,但迭代器对象不是函数或方法,因此不能被调用。在Python中,只有函数、方法或实现了__call__方法的对象才是可调用的。常见原因: 误将迭代器当作函数或方法调用:你可能在代码中误将一个迭代器对象当作函数或方法来调...
>>> items = [1, 2, 3] >>> x = reversed(items) >>> x <list_reverseiterator object at 0x7f1c3ebe07f0> >>> next(x) 3 >>> next(x) 2 >>> next(x) 1 >>> next(x) StopIteration # Error: end of generator >>> for i in reversed(items): ... print(i) ... 3 2 1 ...
class MyIterator(object): def __init__(self, func): self.index = -1 self.func = func def __call__(self): self.index += 1 return self.func(self.index) This can be useful if the state you need to keep track of is more complicated (or should change in more complicated ways) ...
在今天的技术博客中,我们将深入探讨一个常见的Python错误——TypeError: ‘int’ object is not callable。这个错误通常会让初学者感到困惑,但只要理解其成因和解决方案,便能轻松应对。📚 摘要📖 在Python编程中,TypeError: ‘int’ object is not callable错误通常发生在开发者尝试将整数对象作为函数调用时。这可...
TypeError: 'range' object is not callable TypeError: 'range' object is not callable In python 3, range returns an iterator, not a list itself. The following does hence not work with python 3. It does however, with python 2. However,...TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable 想...
Future<Map<String, String>> future =iterator.next();if(future.isDone()) {try{ Map<String, String> result =future.get(); Object msg= result.get("msg"); String fileName= (String) result.get("fileName");if("true".equals(msg)) { ...
Looking how to solve Python or Jupyter Notebook error: AttributeError: type object 'Callable' has no attribute '_abc_registry'? I've me
This must be a torch DataLoader object, Lightning accepts only that. I do not know torchtext well enough to give you specific instructions what the best way is, but I would try to wrap the IMDB iterator in DataLoader / IterableDataset. So far, I cannot identify a bug here. Contributor ...
futures.iterator().forEachRemaining((Future f) -> {try{ System.out.println(f.get());//输出:1 2 3 会顺序获取任务的结果,但任务1执行最慢,因此会被任务1阻塞才能获得其余结果}catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }catch(ExecutionException e) { ...
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable是一个常见的Python错误,表示你尝试调用一个模块,但实际上应该调用模块中的一个函数或类。 代码语言:javascript 复制 importtorch # 错误示例 x=torch.Tensor([1.0,2.0,3.0])output=torch(x)# 这里应该调用 torch.Tensor ...