CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR 是SAP 系统中常见的运行时错误,通常发生在执行远程函数调用(Remote Function Call, RFC)时出现问题。以下是对该错误的分析和解决步骤: 1. 具体含义和上下文 CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR 表示在调用远程函数时发生了错误。这通常涉及到网络连接、远程服务器状态或函数执行环境等方面的问题。
CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR,我在检查系统日志的时候,发现dump前都会有前两条相同的问题,帮忙喵一 ,然后系统日志每小时都会有Failed to call function GwRead; rc: -006这个错, 不知道是不是这个问题造成的,就是只要call function时,不管异步还是同步就会CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR 直接dump,只是持续几分钟都call不...
调用一个新建的接口时,报错。 调用端: 被调用端: 错误很明显,是RFC漏选了 Remote-Enabled Module(运程启用的模块)。 修改后,问题解决。
Need your help in this peculiar kind of situation in which an RFC call from SCM system to R3 system is ending in dump with run time error CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR "connection closed (no data)". The dump log in SCM system says "The error occurred during an RFC call to another system...
Now if I click on the "back" button at the top, I encounter a dump with error "CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR". And if I login to the CRM system, then the things are all correct, I am able to get the connection object corresponding to my search criteria. Could you please suggest the ...
Solved: Hi friends, I have some short dumps encountered "CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR". I can't seem to find the solution in OSS. Can you direct me to any sap
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : one node produced an error: NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3) Calls: sampleMcmc ... clusterApplyLB -> dynamicClusterApply -> checkForRemoteErrors Notes on the underlying data: As I said, I am trying to run the abundance model part for ...
runtime error: objSoap.Functio n()" on the line that tries to call the function, and a "401.2 Unauthorized: Logon Failed Due to Server Configuration with No Authentication" error from the web server. I've set the page to login
Hi, I am getting the below error message while deleting an environment from front-end. I even tried to implement note no. 1894160 but the issue still remain same.