Here's the code.I know their are security steps likehtmlspecialcharsandtrimthat should be used, but right now I just want to get it up and running. HTML: <formid="mailing_list_form"action="processForm.php"method="post"accept-charset="UTF-8"><divid="their_email"class...
<inputid="userpwd"type="password"/> <inputtype="button"value="login"onclick="loginRequest();"/> <p> <spanid="loginError"></span> </p> </body> </html> 补充讲一下用Post方法调用.NET Web Services,调用方式如下: <htmlxmlns=""> <body> <formaction="ht...
back to top Go to src/worlds and see that each world has its own folder and associated index.html See ExampleWorld for a fully-featured example of how to set up your own. Currently, routes are not automatically created for each world (in progress); but you can type in the URL in ...
In Part 1, we are going to remove the default CSS framework and use other CSS framework,w3.css. Not because the default CSS is bad, it is more like to make styling simpler and show how easy it is to change it. In Part 2, our web application will display dummy data from an externa...