The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call.
c of an animal : to utter a characteristic note or cry d : to speak to or attempt to reach someone by means of a call (see call entry 2 sense 8) just called to say hello I call once a week to talk to my parents. Several weeks later our son's family called to FaceTime...
Solve a quick puzzle on your daily commute. Play Now Daily Commuter Crossword Solitaire View All Your favorite dose of daily solitaire is here! Come back everyday to sit back, relax and play a game of cards! Do you have what it takes to become an absolute Solitaire master? Try it now...
Solve a quick puzzle on your daily commute. Play Now Daily Commuter Crossword Your favorite dose of daily solitaire is here! Come back everyday to sit back, relax and play a game of cards! Do you have what it takes to become an absolute Solitaire master? Try it now. ...
Wordjamacallit is the perfect fit for fans of crossword, word connect and word anagram games, combining the best of these games with a fresh card-matching mechanic that brings a new depth of strategy and skill to the word game genre. ...
2 describe 描述CALL/DESCRIBE AS [transitiveT] to use a word or name to describe someone or something in a particular way 认为…是,把…叫作 call somebody something Are you calling me a liar? 你在说我撒谎吗? You may call it harmless fun, but I call it pornography. 你可能会说这是...
And research has failed to support the premise that mastering things like memory exercises, crossword puzzles (纵横字谜) and games like Sudoku carry over into real life, improving overall functioning. “If you do crossword puzzles, you get better at crossword puzzles,” said Lisa Berkman, ...
►詳細はシソーラスの参照phone文法•Youcallsomeone on the phone:Call me tomorrow.✗Don’t say:Call to me tomorrow.•If youcall tosomeone, you shout at them to get their attention:He called to the driver to stop. 2describe[transitive]to use a word or name to describe someone or ...
Crossword Heaven Clue Answer Tip: Use ? for unknown letters, ex: answ?r Clue: Call off We have 7 answers for the clueCall off. See the results below. Possible Answers: Related Clues: Last Seen In: LA Times - August 11, 2024
Wordjamacallit is the perfect fit for fans of crossword, word connect and word anagram games, combining the best of these games with a fresh card-matching mechanic that brings a new depth of strategy and skill to the word game genre. ...