四个 1. 问题1询问了中国三个紧急电话号码,参考答案给出了正确答案。 2. 问题2询问了与最多国家接壤的两个国家,参考答案无法给出确切答案,因为中国和俄罗斯都与14个国家接壤。 3. 问题3询问了三种燃料,参考答案给出了正确答案。 4. 问题4询问了一辆汽车通常有多少个轮胎,参考答案给出了正确答案。
on the carpet。 Carpet 是地毯。 按照字面意思来看,call sb. on the carpet 就是召唤某人到地毯 上来。 你当然明白作为习惯用语它不表示这样的意思。 这个短语的起源可以追溯到一个多世纪前的英国和美国,和现 代相比当时家里 使用仆役 是比较普遍的情况。 要是主人对仆人的 工作不满意,就会把仆人叫到客厅...
The CallbackPhones element specifies an array of call-back phone numbers and the identifiers of their source attributions for the associated persona.XML Copy <CallbackPhones> <Value></Value> <Attributions></Attributions> </CallbackPhones> ...
For years, people all over the world have been receiving creepy messages from the phone numbers 666-666-6666 or 1-666-666-6666. Some people believe these phone calls come from the devil. In many cases, the calls do not show up on the phone bill. “We were in a car going home one ...
Call numbers of sensors, preferably for, car phonesJABLONSKI, BERNHARD, PROF., EUTINGENSOST, ROLF, DIPL.-ING., STUTTGART
He was handed a list of numbers to cold-call. 有人给了他一串电话号码,让他打电话推销。 上面的“cold-call”是动词形式,这个表达还有名词形式“cold-calling”,意思是(未经要求而打给潜在客户的)冷不防电话,促销电话。 现在是夏天,大家平时...
He was handed a list of numbers to cold-call. 有人给了他一串电话号码,让他打电话推销。 上面的“cold-call”是动词形式,这个表达还有名词形式“cold-calling”,意思是(未经要求而打给潜在客户的)冷不防电话,促销电话。 现在是夏天,大家平时可能想喝点冰镇饮料来降温解渴,“冰镇”用英语怎么说呢?
2) classic one - in the application, tap on "+" button, choose Country and check if phone number length is correct, then type several digits of phone number to block. The latest version supports blocking up to 150,000,000 phone numbers - whole 15 area codes in the USA! You can find...
Red Numbers Known as red numbers, these numbers can’t in reality be referred to as in keeping with say. However, be cautious of what colors are in your phone. These numbers attempting to be replied may also cause the unusual to happen. ...
50、erator 6. F a shoe exhibition 7. F 8. F 2 Answer the following questions briefly according to the passage. Key: 1. Because it may save any delay . 2. We should have dates, time of arrival and so on. 3. Proper preparation may prevent you from making a second phone call. 4....