CALLSYMPUT () 和CALL SYMPUTX ()可以实现在DATA步的执行过程中创建宏变量。二者的主要区别在于CALL SYMPUTX ()会将第二个参数值前面和后面的空格去掉;并且CALL SYMPUTX ()有第三个参数来限定宏变量存放的位置。
1. %let xxx=yyy;2. Call Symput('xxx','yyy');3. select xxx into: yyy.三种定义方式最大的区别是在MACRO函数内定义所生成的宏变量的类型不同:Call Symput在宏函数中定义的宏变量可以在函数外调用;而%let和 Select into则不能,因为这2种方法在MACRO函数内生成的是局部宏变量,若要想在MA...
call symput函数是SAS中用来将一个值赋给一个宏变量的函数。宏变量是SAS中的一种变量,具有诸如&符号等特殊符号。宏变量的应用可以从简单的打印输出,到复杂的宏编程,到程序的自动化编制中。 call symput函数的使用格式为: call symput(macro-variable-name, value); 其中,macro-variable-name表示宏变量名,value表示...
这个需要用循环生成多个宏变量。你这样if reading> median1 call symput("ID",ID); 因为只有一个宏变量ID,所以每次符合条件的ID都会覆盖前者的值。 示例如下: %let i=1; data _null_; set ses2; if reading> median1 then do; %let i=%evil ...
symput Posted 05-04-2022 01:58 PM (2533 views) | In reply to GN0001 The documentation has it description of the differences. Comparisons CALL SYMPUTX is similar to CALL SYMPUT. Here are the differences. CALL SYMPUTX does not write a note to the SAS log when the second argument is ...
2. Call Symput('xxx','yyy'); 3. select xxx into: yyy. 三种定义方式最大的区别是在MACRO函数内定义所生成的宏变量的类型不同: Call Symput在宏函数中定义的宏变量可以在函数外调用;而%let和 Select into则不能,因为这2种方法在MACRO函数内生成的是局部宏变量,若要想在MACRO函数外调用,需事先用%global...
call symput("sample",sample); run; proc surveyselect data=mm.tmp_jf_user_02(where=(city_code="&city")) method=srs out=random_&city n=&sample; run; data mm.random_user1; set mm.random_user1(keep=serialnumber city_code) random_&city(keep=serialnumber city_code); ...
Dynamic creation of SAS code:You can use CALL EXECUTE to generate and execute SAS statements or data manipulation operations based on the values of variables or other runtime factors. Example 1 Suppose you have two data sets named"temp"and"temp2". You are asked to form a group based on ...
The SAS manuals and guides provide good information about using CALL SYMPUT to write data values to the macro environment, and, then, to retrieve those values in subsequent DATA steps or PROCs. Even so, it is easy to writeseemingly valid code, only to find that the results are not as ...