How to call Stored procedure in Select statement. how to call webservice from tsql? How to Capitalize the first letter in each word in SQL How to capture the second result set from a stored procedure in a temporary table. how to change textbox font's color based on some value ssrs t...
The LWJDBC Adapter in a custom Business process is configured to call a MS SQL Stored Procedure that uses output parameters. The LightweightJDBCAdapterQuery step finished in ERROR: The statement did not return a result set
How to call a stored procedure using callable statement in JDBC explain - You can call the SQL stored procedures using the CallableStatement interface. A Callable statement can have input parameters, output parameters, or both.You can create an object of
How can we call SAP HANA Stored Procedure in power bi. below is call statement with parameters. call "Test"."Self.CONTRACT::Procedure"('PROD01624','Where-Used') but facing below issue. how can i use this in power bi need your help on this... Thanks, Prashanth. Labels: Need...
I have a stored function as well thas has the body: Begin Declare MyResult VARCHAR(1000); set MyResult = ''; call `IsProductInForeignDatabase`(1, MyResult,'question'); RETURN 50; END; In the code above the "return 50" is only a test: if I use the "call" statement in the bo...
How can we call SAP HANA Stored Procedure in power bi. below is call statement with parameters. call "Test"."Self.CONTRACT::Procedure"('PROD01624','Where-Used') but facing below issue. how can i use this in power bi need your help on this... Thanks, Prashanth. Labels: Need Help ...
Please start any new threads on our new site at All Forums SQL Server 2008 Forums SQL Server Administration (2008) Call a Function or Store Procedure without prefix
I have checked the data adapter is connected to the same db as SSMS, but when I run the same stored procedure from SSMS and jasper studio query dialog, the result is very different, many columns is not shown in jasper studio query dialog data preview tab
Bug #33811Call to stored procedure with SELECT * / RIGHT JOIN fails after the first time Submitted:10 Jan 2008 23:07Modified:11 Nov 2008 1:35 Reporter:Trent LloydEmail Updates: Status:ClosedImpact on me: None Category:MySQL Server: DMLSeverity:S3 (Non-critical) ...
I have written following stored procedure to test procedure call from iReport designer. Stored Procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test(cursor1 out sys_refcursor) IS BEGIN OPEN cursor1 for select person_id,first_name from person where rownum < 5; END;