Ham Radio Call Sign Structure Today, each new call sign is assigned sequentially using thesequential call sign system. The call signs begin with K, followed by a second letter and a number that indicates what call sign area you’re in. This is called the call sign prefix. After the prefix...
Welcome to HamCallsign.com Ham Amateur Radio Callsign Design Studio byM7WDX QSL Cards (sampler) POE starting at£4.00( $5.00 ) via PayPal This website is GDPR compliant.
Tesla must have been in the static because it sparked an interest in ham and cb radio that I’ve grown to love! Built first HAM radio with my grandfather at age 8. It was a New kit a HealthKit hw-101. My first commercial C.B. was a Lafayette Comstat model 25A the A had the ...
Sign in Not registered, yet?Join us, we want to create the best free hamradio callbook! Welcome to the free hamradio callbook. This callbook provides all data for free and you will not have to log in to see any detail unlike other sites. It includes also XML access for logging progr...
OH73ELK is not just a new Finnish callsign. It is a symbolic salute to one of the most popular animals in Finnish forests - the ELK. OH73ELK means “73 from Land of Elk”. If you want to visit the Land of Elk, you are welcome to the new wooden cottage at the lake with a ren...
Ham Radio repeater Directory MapBook and Repeater listings and maps and other Great Ham radio products.
Free hamradio callbook with very fast XML access for logging programs, recent activity, logsearch, condx prediction, multilanguage support etc.
3D Printed Call Sign Plaques Get your Call sign (or other message) 3D printed on a plaque using White Letters on a Black Background. The Height is approx 13/16th Inches. The width varies from 3.5 - 6.5 inches, depending on quantity of letters (up to 12). Its 3/16 deep. Get an ad...
HamCallLookup.com -- the world's top ham radio call sign lookup services, find ham radio call signs, call letters, worldwide ham call server
Hamcall call sign database You are right. HamQTH needs user action to update information. If they do not do It it does not update. Of course US callsigns with data can be loaded from FCC but I do not know Is there a routine for it. ...