The Collar Strategy 领口策略 Costless Collar (Zero-Cost Collar) 零领口策略 Bull Put Spread 牛市认沽价差期权 激进的看涨期权价差 通过扩大两个看涨期权的执行价格之间的差异,可以进入更激进的牛市价差头寸。然而,这也意味着股票价格必须更大程度地向上移动,交易者才能实现最大的利润。 信用牛市价差(Bull Spread ...
Bull Put Spread Strategy The put version of the bull call spread: i.e. a credit is received for ‘betting’ that stock will move in a particular direction (up, as compared to the bear call spread where the ‘bet’ was for the stock to fall). For example: Buy IBM June 125 Put ...
Under this strategy, an investor buys a long-term put option and sells near-term put options with a higher strike price. This strategy work similarly to the bear calendar put spread. The only difference being the near-term outlook in the diagonal spread is a little more bearish. Types of ...
Let's start by evaluating Trader #1's long call strategy using some common strategy attributes and options Greeks, such as Delta, Theta and Vega. Then we will perform the same assessment on Trader #2's bull call spread. Finally, we will put these two strategies side by side and review ...
Investors may also buy and sell different call options simultaneously, creating a call spread. These will cap both the potential profit and loss from the strategy, but are more cost-effective in some cases than a single call option since the premium collected from one option's sale offsets th...
溏心蛋 ·2024年07月18日
selling it. While gains from call and put options are also taxable, their treatment by the IRS is more complex because of the multiple types and varieties of options. In the case above, the only cost to the shareholder for engaging in this strategy is the cost of the options contract ...
A bull call spread (long call spread) is a vertical spread consisting of buying the lower strike price call and selling the higher strike price call, both expiring at the same time. The strike price of the short call, represented by point B, is higher th
if an investor wishes to sell out of their position in a stock when the price rises above a certain level, they can incorporate what is known as a covered call strategy. Many advanced options strategies such as iron condor, bull call spread, bull put spread, and iron butterfly will likely...
Finally, if the price of the underlying asset falls or does not rise significantly, the bull call spread strategy will incur a net loss. If the price is below the strike price of the long call option at expiration, both options would expire worthless, and the loss is limited to the net ...