存储过程定义如下: CREATEORREPLACEPACKAGEmy_packageASPROCEDUREadd_numbers(num1INNUMBER, num2INNUMBER,sumOUTNUMBER);ENDmy_package;CREATEORREPLACEPACKAGE BODYmy_packageASPROCEDUREadd_numbers(num1INNUMBER, num2INNUMBER,sumOUTNUMBER)ASBEGINsum:=num1+num2;ENDadd_numbers;ENDmy_package; 要调用包中的存储...
I'm trying to call a stored procedure in Oracle. The config that I have is: <db:parameterized-query><![CDATA[{call IVS.USER_MANAGEMENT_PKG.user_authent_sp(: P_USER_NAME,: p_password, : p_session_id, : p_output_format, : p_status, : p_user_ac...
I am going in bit of a circle with this matter; First some background: I am trying to upload the details of a CSV file into an Oracle table. I am using a StreamReader to copy a line at a time into an array, using a string[] columns = line.Split(sepa rators.ToCharAr ray());...
Before you create a federated procedure for a remote stored procedure in Oracle, you need to connect to Oracle via a DB2 Federated Database. Refer toHow does Federation Server connect to Oracle data source by using Instant Client? For example, ...
I have a proc in oracle that return somme parameters and one of this parameter is a record of tablein sql developper Copy declare -- Non-scalar parameters require additional processing p_tab_charge_account PKG_VCR_TOOLS_TSI.TYP_TAB_CHARGE_ACCOUNT_DATA; begin -- Call the proced...
oracle procedure 存储过程入门 小例子 , 高手路过 -- procedure instruction ---**simplest procedure--- create or replace procedure out_time is begin dbms_output.put_line(systimestamp); end; begin out_time; end; ---*** ---***example for procedure in--...
In order to call the procedure, we should create the procedure first: create or replace procedure TQ_PROC8(classInfo out myCursor.mycur) is begin open classinfo for select * from class; end TQ_PROC8; create or replace package myCursor is ...
I tried creating a DLL for calling within Oracle via an External Procedure Call which didn't work. I notice that I specified the Language as being C. Quite possibly Oracle cannot handle FORTRAN DLLs? I'm not at all familiar with DLL technology so find it hard to under...
Hi all, I want to call an Oracle-Procedure in the BW over XI. Further the procedure should get a number parameter and also return a number. Can anyone please tell me if this should work. And if yes, how I can get it. Thanks in foreward PeterKnow...