Google Adsalleen accounts Een callout-extensie is informatieve tekst, zoals producten, services en promoties die de site aanbiedt, die kan worden weergegeven met een tekstadvertentie. Het advertentienetwerk kan tussen twee en vier callouts met een advertent...
such as “24/7 phone support” at the account and campaign levels, and provide more specific information, such as “free gift wrapping” at the ad group level. If you add callouts to an ad group that’s in a campaign that already has callouts, the ads in that ad ...
Sie können Callout-Erweiterungen für beliebige unterstützte Google Ads Kampagnen oder Anzeigengruppen im Suchnetzwerk in einem synchronisierten Google Ads Konto erstellen und. Weisen Sie mindestens zwei Hinweisen pro Kampagne oder Anzeigengruppe zu, d...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook call-out Thesaurus Acronyms Wikipedia Related to call-out:follow up on (kôl′out′) n. 1.An order or telephone call summoning a military unit, the police, or an emergency crew to a specified place. ...
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It's Your Call was launched on March 23, when Los Angeles Unified School District introduced it to Sepulveda Middle School in North Hills, CA, to promote responsible cell phone use. Sending the right message: an online game uses real-life scenarios to teach teens the ins and outs of safe...
The following extensions for call-only ads are now available to all advertisers: Location: Include information about your business location that could encourage customers to visit in-person Callouts: Highlight unique selling points of your business, such as free shipping or hassle-free returns. Stru...
that are associated at the campaign level. For example if you have 2 callout extensions set forCampaign A, zero callout extensions associated withAd Group AA, and one callout extension associated withAd Group AB, then onlyAd Group AAis eligible to have its text ads decorated with callouts....
Experiment with different asset types to make your ads stand out in search — and get more calls. Use callouts to highlight when your business is open (“24 hours”). Add sitelinks to clarify the services your business offers and give leads more opportunities to click (“HVAC Repair” and...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook call-over (redirected fromcall-overs) n (Law)lawa preliminary hearing Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, ...