12. Finger and Thumb:We don’t know if she’ll dig this one or not. This comes is from Cockney rhyming slang, asmumrhymes withthumb. 13. Momzilla:This one explains itself. Watch out, Tokyo—you’re on her list. Dad Like the names for our female parents,papaand its many variations ...
Danish has the word fisse for vagina – although it’s more of an equivalent to “pussy” than any other synonym we have. There’s even a schoolyard chant – although I can’t really type it out here – that means something like “there won’t ever be any pussy for me” using fiss...
For example, you might say "The new software has an eraser tool that lets you eradicate mistakes." Rubout: This is a more informal term that's sometimes used in slang. You might hear someone say "I made a mistake, gotta rub it out!" Here are some examples of h...