String[]The errors that occurred during theCalloutOperation. getResult() Returns the newly created Callout, ornullif the operation was unsuccessful. Return values: TypeDescription AdsApp.CalloutTheCalloutcreated by the CalloutOperation. isSuccessful() ...
Google Adsalleen accounts Een callout-extensie is informatieve tekst, zoals producten, services en promoties die de site aanbiedt, die kan worden weergegeven met een tekstadvertentie. Het advertentienetwerk kan tussen twee en vier callouts met een adverten...
Callouts can improve your text ads by promoting unique offers to shoppers, like free shipping or 24-hour customer service. When you create a callout, it appears with your ad on a computer or mobile device. When customers notice your ads, they get detailed information about your business, pr...
Last Update10 mei 2024 Onderwerpen: Campagnebeheer doorzoeken Gemaakt voor: Gebruiker Google Adsalleen accounts U kunt callout-extensies maken en toewijzen aanondersteund Google Ads campagne of advertentiegroepop het onderzoeksnetwerk binnen eenges...
AdsApp.AdGroupCallout The next AdGroupCallout in the iterator. totalNumEntities() Returns the total number of entities matched by the selector which generated this iterator. Note that the returned number disregards limits, and that the iterator is not guaranteed to have this many elements —...
Google Share on Facebook call out (redirected fromcall me out) call out 1. To announce something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "out."Once everyone is seated, the host will call out the winners' names.If you've got Bingo, call it out!Oh, the ...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook callus (redirected fromcallusing) Thesaurus Medical Idioms Encyclopedia a thickening of the horny layer of the skin:You may have to go to a doctor to get that callus removed. ...
Google Share on Facebook on call Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia (kôl) v.called,call·ing,calls 1.To say in a loud voice; announce:called my name from across the street; calling out numbers. ...
It's nearly supper time.I was nervous when the teacher called for me, but, turns out, I wasn't in trouble after all. Whew! 5. To pick one up for transport, as of a car service.Your flight is at 6 AM, so the driver will call for you at 4.Hey, when is our car going to ...
Sure, you might miss out on some weekend calls, but would you rather miss out on them than pay for them and potentially be unable to answer them to the best of your ability? On your ad schedule, be sure to set your business hours and align them directly with showing your ads: ...