作者: 原油:三大机构的平衡表显示,明年一季度的Call on OPEC在2700万桶/日附近,而OPEC限产会议上决定一季度每月增长幅度不超过50万桶/日,因此我们预计OPEC产量一季度大致在2600至2650万桶/日,全球供需缺口仍存,大约在50至100万桶/日,而二季度往后来看,如果欧佩克选择盯住需求,供需将维持紧平衡或小幅去库。 因此...
The oil ministers of Algeria and Qatar Apr 10 called on OPEC members to scale back freewheeling crude production towards official output limits in order to avoid a price collapse in the second quarter. Algeria's Chakib Khelil warned that if OPEC did not rein in current production to at least...
reliance on foreign energy.“DOE’s mismanagement of the SPR has undermined America’s energy security, leaving the nation more vulnerable to energy supply disruptions, and increasing the ability for OPEC and Russia to use energy as a geopolitical weapon,” House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair...