Topics of Paper 本次会议征稿方向包括但不限于以下领域: DIDS 2024is calling for contributions in the following fields, including but not limited to: 设计与标准化:创新设计范式、设计标准、设计评价、标准化工程、设计体系评估、交...
今年第18届由法国里昂商学院主办,将于2024年11月12-13日在法国巴黎举办。 The China Globalization Association (CGA) was co-founded by well-known universities such as Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, Rollins Colle...
Rollins College, Jacobs University, and emlyon business school. It is one of the important academic platforms for research and exchange on China's globalization. As one of the founding bureau members of CGA, emlyon business school has paid ...
破解工业通信时延困局实测解析:高精度电流传感在BMS与智能家居中的设计取舍 IEEE首届全球区块链大会 -- IEEE Global Blockchain Conference (GBC)将于2024年8月21-23日在上海召开。GBC大会定位为区块链领域旗舰会议,由同济大学承办。同济大学吴志强院士担任顾问委员会主席,蒋昌俊院士担任名誉主席,刘儿兀教授担任大会总主席...
🔹 Dr. Binbin Yang, School of Civil Engineering, Xuchang University. 🔹 Dr. ShiyuanHuang, State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University. 3 专题简介 该Topic属于多期刊联合征稿专题。参与征稿的四本期刊分别是: ...
🔹 Dr. Binbin Yang, School of Civil Engineering, Xuchang University. 🔹 Dr. ShiyuanHuang, State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University. 3 专题简介 该Topic属于多期刊联合征稿专题。参与征稿的四本期刊分别是: ...
c. The deadline for submission is August 1, 2024. Please send the the paper (in Microsoft Word format) and personal profile (including name, gender, date of birth, employer, professional title, position, academic experience, contact information, etc.) as attachments to the conference email. ...
③Original paper, overview, summary of work experience or technical progress report (not involving any infringement issues); ④No state secrets shall be involved; ⑤No less than 2 pages (On the first page, only text allowed, and on the second page is the important figures, tables, and data...
1. The Proceedings of the World Transport Convention 2024 will be published. Also, a compendium of abstracts in electronic format will be sent out to all participants as a conference guide book. 2. If you are an author of a full paper, you can choose one of the following methods: 1) ...
lFull Paper SubmissionJune26, 2024 lNotification of AcceptanceJuly 23, 2024 lFinal Submission and RegistrationAugust 3, 2024 Organizing Committee General Chair CHEN Ying, Chinese Institute of Electronics General Co-chair KOSUGE Kazuhiro, The University of Hong Kong, Tohoku University ...